My Sister – My Role Model

I have been a part of Blogadda since the first day of my blogging journey. It has been the most trusted ally and a friend who has shown its confidence in my dream of becoming a good writer. But, I never took part in its blogging initiatives. The reason was simple as I was trying to make a distinct audience for my blog. But when a friend Ankita, who works for Blogadda, asked about my role model, I did not take a second to find out, who it was. It was none other than my own sister.

I never was aware that I was inspired with my sister for multiple reasons but when Ankita-my friend asked me to write a blog post about my role model. I took time to decipher the same. We are of same age and read in same standards in different schools. But, whenever I got chance to visit my MausiJi’s (maternal aunt) house, I always found her immersed in big bulky books. I noticed her learning vocabulary from some GRE examination books even when we were in X standard. And, I saw her communicating with her books in early morning hours till great lengths of nights. But this description shouldn’t portray her as a bespectacled girl, away from all joys of teenage and youth. She was at large a divisive student but She wanted to travel the world and education was her wings. But all I get from her is the inspiration to be someone deserves respect of people. And, becoming someone worth respect of society like Degree nahin hogi toh koi job nahin dega, koi baap apni beti nahin dega, society respect nahin degi was like a big black sea. In this voyage, the horizons were so far and distractions were like infectious flies. My ship was full of confusions and self-distrust. Despite these obstacles, I kept navigating in the dark sea with the single visible light of my sister’s accolades. It was a belief that if she can do it then what in the world can stop me. The occasional interactions came to a halt as I moved out from my city to work and she did the same for further education. In all these years, the news of her success in career and spectacular growth in personal success made me learn lot of things and became what I am today. Though, now it is dawn in the sea, I am sailing in and there is some light to navigate but she is still the brightest source of light, the light house with green light that travels the far.

Now, she is studying in a foreign location and still is same as before – The energetic, crazy and inspiring. Lots of my love to my sweetest sister…Thanks for all you gave me knowingly and unknowingly.

I am writing about #MyRoleModel as a part of the activity by Gillette India in association with

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