Top Five Books of Khushwant Singh

Khushwant Singh PicturesWhen we look at the legacy of eminent writer, journalist, and thinker Khushwant Singh, who recently passed away on 20th of March, 2014 at the age of 99, we come to know a person who was a guy, known for his clarity of thoughts and transparency. In his lifetime, he worked for renowned publication like Hindustan Times, Reader’s Digest, The Illustrated Weekly of India, and The National Herald. And, he has written somewhere around 116 books, which makes it difficult for the early readers to choose the right book to begin with. Here are the top five books that every aspiring writer should read.

1. Train to Pakistan

Train to Pakistan is known as the most renowned book from the author. It is the portrayal of 1947 era when one great Indian nation was being divided into two parts as per the majority of religious communities. People were running from their homes, leaving behind their roots and wealth in order to save themselves in a country, which belonged to them before the separation begun. In such chaotic situation, a train, carrying the bodies of dead Shikhs, carrying the bodies of dead Shikhs, arrives in a village called Mano Majra, situated on the border of Hindustan & Pakistan. Seeing this, the village turns into battlefield and one guy is left to control all this chaos. And, he is Juggut Singh, who falls for a Muslim girl and tries to tackle the situation.

2. Delhi

This may seem interesting for all writers as the author has interestingly explained his personal experiences Delhi as a city its surroundings. The book brings back and forth in the times of Delhi, when there were English mames and lonely wives of Indian army officers. The author has talked about his relationship with a whore who saved his life during 1984 Sikh riots. In short, if you are looking for a journalistic account on pre and post independence Delhi then Delhi-the novel will be a right pick for you. In this way, you can also consider the recent novel of Capital – A Portrait of Twenty-First Century.

3. Truth, Love and a Little Malice

This is an autobiography of the author, which gained much a stir in Indian media as the book talks about the author’s relationship with Ex-prime minister Indira Gandhi and the book faced a stay on release due to the Menka Gandhi’s lawsuit against the release of the book.

4. Why I Supported the Emergency (2004)

In this book, the bold and legendary writer shares his account of history and reasons to support the Emergency in India, imposed by Indira Gandhi government. He has tried to mention the mistakes of previous situation and has suggested the corrective measures to avoid the previous on such situations in future.

5. A History of the Sikhs Vol 1 (SECOND EDITION):

Volume 1 1469-1838 (Oxford India Collection)
This is known as the most authentic and authoritative account on the history of Sikhs. The way of presenting facts is quite simple and interesting. Therefore, any first time reader can relate with the book.

You can buy all these books from online shopping portals. But please don’t carry any expectations before picking any book of the author as reading any new author is like joining a strange story-teller in a strange world with all possibilities of wonders and mishaps. So, just enjoy the fun of reading this legendary by feeling the words.

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