An Interview with Ashwin Sanghi – Author of “Krishna Key”

Interview-Ashwin Sanghi author of Krishna Key

Congratulations for the success of most recent book “The Krishna Key” and thanks for your time for the Interview.

Q: You are a businessman professionally so how do you manage to keep your flame of creativity illuminated?

A: Actually, having a day job in a dreary business is the perfect reason to push one into a creative pursuit. I work Monday to Friday, forty hours per week. When I get home from work, I am relieved to retire to my study and get lost in my fictional world of fantasy, mythology, history and conspiracy. If I were to ever stop working, my writing would become my work… that is a scary thought indeed.

Q: What was your first ever fiction and how much that influenced you?

A: My first novel was a book called The Rozabal Line. I wrote it in 2005 after a visit to the Rozabal shrine in Kashmir. The popular folklore around the tomb was that Jesus Christ had survived the crucifixion and lay buried in Rozabal. I was utterly fascinated with the story and decided to research it extensively. My future books—Chanakya’s Chant as well as The Krishna Key—have both been heavily influenced by my fascination for tantalizing research and conspiracy theories.

Q: How do you define the success of a Novelist?

A:Success consists of different strokes for different folks. I always wanted to be widely read. It wasn’t about earning millions… it was always about being read by thousands of ordinary people. With the terrific sales volumes that my last three books have achieved, I am more than happy with the results. To that extent, I see myself as successful. But I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep…
I have always loved writing about characters that have shades of grey.

Q: ‘The Krishna Key’ is your third novel, what keeps you motivated?

A: I think that I am intrinsically a storyteller. I have always loved ‘spinning yarns’… it’s just that I never knew that I could earn a living out of it! I am always in search of the next great story. It is the eternal quest for the next earth-shattering premise that keeps my creative juices flowing.

Q: How do you feel when people compare you with Dan Brown, even when you don’t copy him?

A: At last count, Dan Brown’s books had been translated into 52 languages, and as of 2012, his books had cumulatively sold over 200 million copies. I am rather flattered by the comparison, even if it is misplaced.

Q: Do you think your titles especially ‘The Krishna Key’ will help Indian youngsters to solve their puzzles behind Indian rituals and mythologies?

A: The Krishna Key is a work of fiction and should be read as such. It does not claim to be a scholarly work and hence I would refrain from using it as a guide to our mythology or theology. I have, however, found that the easiest way to bring many lost aspects of our culture or civilization to light is simply by bringing these elements into the realm of popular discussion. Commercial fiction is one route. I always entertain the hope that there will be readers who will use the novel as a starting point before embarking on research of their own.

Q: What are the challenges faced during in-depth research for your recent novel “The Krishna Key”. What were your motivations and roadmap? Your answer will be helpful to young writers.

A: My biggest challenge was the fact that I did not understand Sanskrit. To that extent I had to depend on translations. The second big challenge in researching this sort of material is to distinguish scholarly research from propaganda. The final challenge was to map the research in a manner such that the average reader would not be overwhelmed with the breadth and depth of the information presented.

Q: What motivated you to choose Krishna as protagonist and given a grey shade that was a bit risky in a country like India?

A: I have always loved writing about characters that have shades of grey. Krishna is the lovable cowherd of Gokul and Vrindavan but is also the ruthless strategist of the Mahabharata. He is the brave combatant who kills Kansa and numerous demons but is also the person who flees the battle from Mathura to Dwarka and gets labeled as Ranchor for the rest of his life. He is real in every sense and I can relate to the fact that he is a bundle of contradictions.

Q: Don’t you think that the Krishna Key can be more interesting with the development of Sage’s character and a conversation with sage over alchemy?

A: A novel is like a set of busy road junctions. After you have crossed the junction, you can always speculate regarding which alternative route you could have taken but it is futile. The only road that is relevant is the one that you happen to be on.

Q: What do you think about saturating Indian-Anglo literature with love stories? Is the risk of failure not stopping new writers from exploring their unique styles?

A: You have a valid point. The success of certain genres in the Indian commercial fiction space—for example mythological fiction, campus stories, teenage romances etc.—could possibly act as a deterrent for exploration of newer genres. I earnestly hope that this is not the case. When I wrote The Rozabal Line in 2006, no Indian author was exploring the fusion between history, theology, mythology and fiction. The book eventually spawned an entirely new genre. I hope that we will continue to see innovation.

Q: What is the scope of Indian fiction in international forum?

A: Indian literary fiction has already established a name and reputation for itself globally thanks to individuals like Salman Rushdie, Arundhati Roy, Vikram Seth, Kiran Desai et al. We are still not taken seriously as genre fiction writers—producers of mysteries, thrillers, crime novels, adventures, romances etc. Partly that is because our publishing industry believed that commercial fiction was best left to foreigners. During the last decade the situation has been improving and many writers of commercial fiction have emerged. As they continue to write and garner audiences, they will also find new avenues for global acceptance.

Q: What is your message to young writers and creative professionals to achieve success in literary world as you did?

A: The truth is that it’s not about how good a writer you are… it’s more about how thick-skinned you are. The necessary condition for getting an agent or publisher is to write well; the sufficient condition is to keep knocking on doors, rejection after rejection, even when you feel like giving up. Whenever you do feel like giving up, just remember that Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach was rejected 18 times; the multimillion dollar series, Chicken Soup for the Soul by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen was rejected 33 times; Carrie, Stephen King’s first horror novel was rejected 30 times; Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell was rejected 38 times… the list is endless!

It was an inspiring interview session with Krishna Key’s author Ashwin Sanghi. I am thankful to for giving me the chance to interview such a literary genius.

Book Review: The Krishna Key by Ashwin Sanghi for Blog Adda

"Book Review The Krishna Key

"Book Review The Krishna KeyAfter reading 464 pages long substantially written and well composed novel, The Krishna Key,  I was happy that Indian Anglo writer fraternity has writers like Ashwin Sanghi, who do hard-core research for their fiction works.The writer explores scientific bases of eon old Vaidik Civilizaiton for youngsters in form of his pulsating thriller storycalled. The way of giving reasoning to Indian holistic rituals like the value of Kalash in Shiv Temples, the scientific role of Bel leaves, and the ancient Indian architectural intellect in establishing giant Shiva Lingam in air at Somnath Temple. Genetics connect with mythological character Raktbeez and reasoning for recent  Islamic extremists’ attacks on Hindu Temples are unparalleled in nature.

Not a single writer in India has gone so far in research of these logically probable aspects of Indian mythology. It is a book for the ones who interests in developing scientific reasoning about Indian mythological stories.

Now, we need to talk about the real story that lies in 464 pages long researched novel. It is a story of a 50th touching history Prof. Ravi Mohon Saini, who somehow got labeled as a murderer of his dearest archeologist friend Anil Varshney. In real, Varsheny got killed by deluded young man Tarak Vakil, who unquestionably follows the commands of his revered Mataji. In quest of finding a hidden treasure, left by Lord Krishna himself, there is a series of murders of seasoned research professionals from chapter 1 to 108. As the conflict between Ravi Mohan Saini and Mataji’s supposed 10th incarnation of Vishnu rose high with each chapter until 108. The story becomes really interesting, when a ruthless yet intellectually initiated underworld don Sir Khan enters in this equation of searching lost genocidal weapon of Lord Krishna, called “the Krishna Key” and proved himself as the veiled director of tiny actors like Mataji and his devotee Tarak Vakil.

My Experience As A Reader: In this section, I love to express my personal opinions about a book that can be varied on your personal experiences.

Being an avid book reader, I started reading this book right from a Friday evening and reached onto 58th chapter in just two days. Though, it was hard to grasp all the details, given in the book, but i tried my best to understand each and every fact of the book. But, I could not pick up the book again until these Diwali holidays. It is like a collaboration of facts drew from ancient Shashtra’s and Upnishad’s that are hard to grasp easily. The story can be more interesting with the evolution of that sage’s character, which exhibits three times and recites the same line, “Philosopher is more important than the stone”. There can a conversation with the sage over alchemy rather than Saini’s overt display of mystic intellect. Moreover, you went through 1 to 464 pages and found that the Krishna Key is hidden at a place that cannot be exposed! It is really disappointing. The protagonist is not unearthing a valuable relic just because a religious place cannot be harmed. There could be a better reason for not discovering the relic.  In short, the last sacred 108 numbered chapter can be more focused. It can be focused on finally found Krishna Key or the sage’s comment, “Philosopher is more important than the stone” The protagonist character Ravi Mohan Saini could have state that the exploration of the Krishna key can bring disastrous imbalance in world. Thus, the hidden state of the Krishna Key is a righteous choice for the overall good of mankind.

Reasons to Buy:

If you took interest in reading a well-researched thriller novel with mythological touch like Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code or Angels & Demons.

If you love to read research papers, threaded in an engaging story to explore the reasons behind building seven storied giant Hindu temples like Somnath.

If you wish to explore the authenticity of Indian mythological stories such as construction of Ram Setu, the possibilities of an ancient world war called Mahabharata, the existence of Lord Krishna, the possible evolution of lord Krishna as a statesman from a kid of Gokul.

If you wish to explore the conformity of western scientists with Indian mythological aspects such as possible existence of revered river Saraswati and emission of radioactive substances from all temples of Lord Shiva.

 50 words verdict:

The Krishna Key is must read for the ones, who interests reading Dan Brown; it is far better than The Da Vinci Code. Read this book to unveil the scientific aspects of MahaBharata and existence of most cunning mythological character Lord Krishna that is still practical even after 5000 years of his probable existence.

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