Book Review: An Ideal Wife by Sanjay Grover


How does it feel to know about someone’s quest for finding an ideal match? Interesting Na! An Ideal Wife is a story about a young 29 year old advertising guy, who is looking for a right girl for himself. It was a fun read after six months of nonfiction reads. In this duration, I read books like War Journal, Indo – China tussle for crude, a book on CSR and many others. So this is like landing in Spain after reporting a while from conflict zones. It gave a calm reading experience. When I begin reading this book, I was not sure that I am going to finish it in three hours time but it finished within three hours. I begin reading after reaching home, read during dinner then brought the book to bed. Trust me! It was full of fun.

This book tells you the story of an advertising professional Sameer, who is a single, outgoing, party lover, and have never lost a bat in his lifetime. But his life takes a U turn when he challenged his friends that he will marry with a girl, who will fulfil all the qualities required for his ideal wife image. Things begin going upside down for Sameer as it’s the most difficult task to find an ideal wife in 12 months time when there’s none. However, our hero Sameer kept on visiting all sort of pubs, discotheques, book cafes and even yoga classes to find a right match. In all this process, the Dwarf God visits earth to see the ever growing frustration of Sameer. During his conversation with Sameer, he accidently made a promise of finding an Ideal Wife for Sameer l. At first Sameer couldn’t believe on his eyes that the God can be dwarf and will come to help him. But Sameer gave the list of qualities that he was looking in her future wife. The Dwarf God asked his Swarglok assistant to find such girl for Sameer but his assistant said there is no such thing called ideal wife. One girl can’t have this much qualities. In between, the supreme god comes to know about all this fiasco of dwarf god. He rebuked the Dwarf God for his promise that can’t be fulfilled. Still, the supreme god Bhagwan Dada asked the dwarf God to spend time on earth till Sameer gets his ideal wife. After much efforts, Sameer gets a smart, outgoing, and beautiful wife. But here’s the most fun of the story. You must read it to smile and laugh helplessly.

When it comes to language then I think that the editor could have reviewed it one more time. At places, the usage of words doesn’t sound appropriate and typos can be easily spotted. Yet the language simple and you don’t get a word that make you to refer dictionary.

Why I loved the book: There are distinct reasons why I loved this book. Before this, I have read Sorting Out Sid at same time last year, which was on the same line. So reading about Sameer’s quest to find his ideal wife turned out full of fun. Apart from this, I’ve just finished Game of Thrones then it was like seeing Peter Dinklage in Dwarf God role. Moreover, I also works in media so I could understand the creative approach of the Author Sanjay Grover in bringing Dwarf God in this story. After all, it makes people learn the meaning of an ideal wife without giving any lecture.

50 Words Verdict: if you are looking for a racy read for three hour train journey or flight then this book An Ideal Wife is gonna making you happy. With all its creative aspects, it doesn’t bore the reader and leaves them satisfied with the turn of final pages.

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